

Buddha, the Conqueror by Nicholas Roerich. 19251. "Discipline is the beginning of everything." [Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, 253]


2. "We live in matter, and we must obey its laws. Otherwise, it will subjugate us. Victory lies in obedience to the law, that is, in discipline. Discipline is obedience to the law." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1953, 251]


3. "You need to exercise discipline of the spirit, for without it you cannot become free. For the slave, discipline of the spirit will be a prison; for the free, it will be a wondrous healing garden. So long as discipline of the spirit seems like shackles, the door will stay shut, and one cannot go up the steps bound in chains. You can think of discipline of the spirit as wings." [Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, Preamble]


4. “We return many times to this concept of voluntariness. It is the foremost condition of discipline. The least thought about forcing destroys all achievements. Not only does the Teacher not compel, but the disciple also must not force himself. The discipline of Good is a self-generated joy. What an indestructible immunity is created through joy! The calmness of a yogi is not due to detached imperturbability, but to an inner, flaming joy. Such is the path of discipline. Some will say: How easy! But they do not know that joy is a special wisdom." [Supermundane, 559]


5. “If this essential discipline is not seen as chains, but is perceived as the joy of responsibility, we can consider the first Gates open." [Agni Yoga, 163]


6. "Even the most severe and strict self-discipline of the spirit, imposed on itself as a result of the Teaching of [Living Ethics], brings with it not despondency, but joy, the joy of the spirit, which has found another liberation. So a proper understanding of self-discipline gives the spirit wings. ...True freedom is in the spirit. It’s necessary to affirm it in the spirit." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1954, 491]


7. "The discipline of the spirit is a form of revealing its energies. You can compare how a coward who has not mastered himself behaves in battle and a hero. How does a man who has conquered hunger react to hunger, and a slave to his stomach. The discipline of the spirit is the best accumulator of Agni. If it is present, it eliminates the waste of energy on unnecessary feelings and experiences." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1963, 807]


8. "From early childhood the freedom of discipline of spirit should be emphasized. One may arouse all dignity and honor." [Fiery World II, 97]


9. "Day-dreaming must be transformed into disciplined thinking. The ancient sages advised mothers to pass on to their children tales about heroes, and to acquaint them with the best songs about great deeds." [Fiery World II, 428]


Tzong-Kha-Pa by Nicholas Roerich. 192410. "One should understand discipline to be organized, voluntary cooperation. Among the various approaches to educating the heart, the voluntary organization of cooperation has great significance. But as long as compulsion is lurking somewhere, there cannot be any conscious cooperation, and the results desired cannot be obtained. ... Where there is disunity, one cannot hope for a blossoming and victory." [Heart, 571]


11. It is important to understand "precisely discipline, as not otherwise can be named that voluntary harmony." [Brotherhood, 13]


12. "…Loss of discipline destroys the best undertakings. … Harmony cannot be established at once, and one must guard all efforts directed toward the building of harmony. However, harmony is like an easily frightened bird, once lost, difficult to attract again. … The Thinker warned, “Do not inflict harm by thought or action; it is so easy to break a precious vessel. Think often about true harmony.” [Supermundane, 585]


13. "...The development of the will, starting from everyday trifles and up to high selfless action, is the basis of all discipline and achievement." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 4. 072]


14. "One has to start by disciplining the smallest thoughts; only when that is done can one create a thought that moves mountains. By following this advice about putting small thoughts in order, one begins to bring health to the heart. … After all, this only requires a little attention and awareness of responsibility." [Heart, 495]


15. "One should be trained in the art of constant thinking and learn to be ashamed of thoughtlessness. Man is unable not to think, but there is a great difference between harmonious, disciplined thinking and the oscillations of chaotic thoughtlessness, which not only influences man, but space itself." [Supermundane, 182]


16. "Mental fluttering without a purpose is not useful, because thought touches the object of aspiration and disturbs it. ...Therefore, it is good to always think for the good, so as not to harm someone even involuntarily. Discipline over thought is always needed and is the basis of ascent." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1954, 55]


17. "Each disciplining of spirit produces striving. Only the will can give discipline to the spirit." [Hierarchy, 28]


18. "In continuous conscious striving the energy acquires discipline." [Aum, 477]


Tidings of the Eagle by Nicholas Roerich. 192719. "...Self-discipline directed to the General Good is the most immediate means for great achievements." [Fiery World I, 443]


20. "...Embracing service in the consciousness is the best discipline." [Agni Yoga, 452]


21. "It is necessary to recognize discipline as the salutary rhythm.” [Aum, 355]


22. "It is the busiest people who will always find time for everything. ...A busy person has disciplined his mental energy and developed a special rhythm, which is so necessary for the proper exchange of mental energy. The convulsive undisciplined release of energy absorbs a lot of forces, and such an expenditure is not easily replenished. Therefore, such a benefit lies in every systematic or rhythmic work." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 5. 042]


23. "The lamp does not shine by itself, but because it is connected by a wire to a source of light energy. Her task is to be in good working order. In the same way, the Servants of light, through incessant discipline, kept themselves in good order, in the state required to accept the Higher Power." [Excerpts by Boris Abramov from the book "Aspiring Heart" 1958, 391]



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