Serenade in D Minor, D. 957 No. 4 by Franz Schubert


My House by Svetoslav Roerich. 19621. "... It is good to listen carefully to what the heart says, because the heart feels in you. But it must be free from preconceived thoughts: they are like a shutter from the light. It is difficult to have a pure, open to open-minded perceptions and a calm, balanced heart. Otherwise, the mirror of the spirit is distorted and does not give the correct display." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1956, 329]


2. "The Path of Light will appear when you dare to look at things scientifically and without prejudice." [Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, 334]


3. "The judgment of the spirit is severe and impartial." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1961, 280]


4. "How important it is to realize impartially the intentions of the spirit! Three traits of character will help to cognize the potentiality of motive: the trait of honesty, the trait of self-abnegation, and the trait of service. The manifestation of each trait will give the spirit the sword against egotism." [Infinity II, 170]


5. "Do not condemn, but give an impartial analysis of the offense and draw clear conclusions. Push the fact into the future and take into account the consequences, and the committed offense will condemn itself without any condemnation." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1956, 394]


6. "Let goodness be for free ones. They can cooperate inviolably, paying due tribute to everyone, and show benevolence impartially. The experiences of life, properly understood, lead to liberation. ... As an untethered balloon uncontrollably flies up, so consciousness rises when all the threads of attachment to the earth and the personal are untethered. Impartiality is a product of freedom." [Еxcerpts by Boris Abramov from the book "Aspiring Heart" 1954, 242]


7. "If a person is certainly useful for evolution and if his heart is burning with aspiration, does it really matter if he treats us well or not, understands us or not, recognizes or rejects us. We will learn to treat people above-personally, regardless of how they treat us. Personal feelings and personal relationships are rarely stable in people... An above-personal attitude will also be impartial. It will not create antagonism and will not cause condemnation. Recognition of the merits in other people serves as an indicator of the height of consciousness." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1969, 365]



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